Pikachu's Pokèmon World

Fanfic Fanart Rules
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Pikachu's Fan Stuff
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If you follow these rules you will be able to visit and read and see your fanfics and fanart.
  1. Do not submit anything that with any hentai.
  2. Do not give your real name.
  3. Send them to me at coolmaniac32@cs.com.
  4. When sent to me, I have the right to use them on this site or any other my sites.
  5. If you are submitting for a contest, make sure that the fanart goes with the contest theme.
  6. When Submitting by email type in the subject box:  PPW Fanart
  7. When Submitting by email type in the subject box:  PPW Fanart Contest 

FanFic Rules:

  1. Do not use any profanities in them.  (AKA swears)
  2. Make sure if there is more than one chapter, make sure you send them by chapter.  (A new email for each new chapter.)
  3. When submitting by email type in the subject box:  PPW Fanfic.
  4. When submitting by email type in the subject box:  PPW Fanfic Contest.
  5. Remember after submitting I have the right to use the Fanfics on any of my sites.