Rustboro City Gym - Roxanne - Stone Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Rock
Roxanne's Pokemon:
Geodude, Lv 14
Nosepass, Lv 15
Best Type(s): Water, Grass
Badge information: Increases Attack Power of Your Pokemon.
Allows you to use CUT outside of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 39 - Rock Tomb
Dewford Town Gym - Brawly - Knuckle Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Fighting
Brawly's Pokemon:
Machop, Lv 17
Makuhita, Lv 18
Best Type(s): Psychic, Flying
Badge information: Causes all Pokemon of Level 30 and
below to obey you, even traded Pokemon. Allows you to use Flash, outside of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 08 - Bulk Up
Mauville City Gym - Wattson - Dynamo Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Electric
Wattson's Pokemon:
Magnemite, Lv 22
Voltorb, LV 20
Magneton, Lv 23
Best Type(s): Ground, Fire, Fighting
Badge information: Increases your Pokemon's speed.
Allows you to Rock Smash outside of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 34 - Shock Wave
Lavaridge Town Gym - Flannery - Heat Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Fire
Flannery's Pokemon:
Slugma, Lv 26
Slugma, Lv 26
Torkoal, Lv 28
Best Type(s): Water, Ground, Rock
Badge information: Causes all Pokemon of level 50 and
below to obey you, even traded Pokemon. Allows you to use Strenght outside of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 50 - Overheat
Petalburg City Gym - Norman - Balance Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Normal
Norman's Pokemon:
Slaking, Lv 28
Vigoroth, LV 30
Slaking, Lv 31
Best Type(s): Fighting
Badge information: Increases your Pokemon Defensive
power. Allows you to use Surf outsite of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 42 - Facade
Fortree City Gym - Winona - Feather Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Flying
Winona's Pokemon:
Swellow, Lv 31
Pelipper, Lv 30
Skarmory, Lv 32
Altaria, Lv 33
Best Type(s): Electric, Ice, Rock
Badge information: Causes all Pokemon of Level 70 and
below to obey, even traded Pokemon. Alls you to use Fly outside of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 40 - Aerial Ace
Mossdeep City Gym - Liza & Tate - Heat Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Psychic
Liza and Tate's Pokemon:
Lunatone, Lv 42
Solrock, Lv 42
Best Type(s): Water, Dark
Badge information: Inceases your Pokemon Special Attack
and Special Defense. Allows you to use Dive, even outside of Pokemon Battles.
TM: TM 04 - Calm Mind
Dewford Town Gym - Wallace - Rain Badge
Gym Pokemon Type: Ice/Water
Brawly's Pokemon:
Luvdisc, Lv 40
Whiscash, Lv 42
Sealeo, Lv 40
Seaking, Lv 42
Milotic, Lv 43
Best Type(s): Grass, Electric, Fire
Badge information: Causes All Pokemon to obey you,
even traded ones. Allows you to use Waterfall outside of Pokemon battles.
TM: TM 03 - Water Pulse
Gym Ice Puzzles:
Level 1:
|6 7 *|
|5 4 3|
|* 1 2|
Level 2:
|6 7 8 K J I H|
|5 * 9 A B C G|
|4 3 2 1 * E F|
Level 3:
|V W Z 1 4 5 H G D C B|
|U X Y 2 3 * I F E * A|
|T S P O L K J 4 5 6 9|
|* R Q N M 1 2 3 * 7 8|
The three Levels of the Gyms Information is from Team Rocket
Elite's R & S Walkthrough.