<Announcer> The Game with Big Bucks and Whammys is Back. Bigger. And Better. Than Ever. It is time
to Play Whammy the All New Press Your Luck. And here is the star of Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck Pokemon Trainer X.
<PTX> Welcome to another Exciting Edition of Whammy! The All New Press Your Luck. Let's Meet the players who
are after the Bic Bucks but will have to avoid the Whammy as they play the exciting game of their lives.
My Name is James and I need the Big Bucks Because I am Starving.
<Ash> My Name is Ash and I need the Big Bucks
so i can Buy all my Pokemon New Stuff.
<Duplica> My name is Duplic and I Need the Big Bucks so i can renovate
the Imitae house.
<PTX> Welcome Players are you ready for the Big Bucks. This is how the First ROund works you
will take as Many Spins on that Board with out hitting a Whammy and this how the Board works and Stop! Oh Good I Just hit
1000 Dollars. But you want to avoid the WHAMMY. Hit a Whammy he will come out here and take all your money. To start off the
round i am giving each you 1000. In this round you have to options you can either take a spin if you think you are or freeze
if you are afraid of the WHammy. We drew numbers back stage and Jessie you are first 1000 and here is your first spin.
Big Bucks No Whammys Stop!
<PTX> Stop at 750 that takes you to 1750. Ash here is your first spin.
All Right. Big Bucks no Whammies Stop.
<PTX> Stop at 150. That take you to 1150. Duplica it is you time to shine.
Here is your First spin.
<Duplica> C'mon C'mon big Bucks No Whammys This is for Ditto and Mini-Dit Stop!
Stop at move one space to 150 or 200.
<Duplica> Give me 200.
<PTX> Ok that puts you in second
place by 50 and now we have made one trip down the line and now we have to add more whammys to the board.
Sounds when whammys appear on the Screens>
<PTX> All right James Press your luck or Freeze.
I have to Press My Luck.
<PTX> Lets put that Board in motion.
<JAMES> No whammys or else you will
get double Trouble Stop!
<PTX> Stop at 700$. That takes you to 2450. You have 1150 Press your Luck or Freeze.
<Ash> i am Pressing my Luck.
<PTX> Let put the Big Board in motion.
<Ash> Big Bucks
or else i will sic Pikachu and Stop.
<PTX> Stop at 500 that takes you to 1650. And now it time for Duplica Press
Your Luck or Freeze.
<Duplica> I am Pressing my Luck. Big Bucks No Whammys Stop!
<PTX> Stop at
525 and that tkaes you to 1725. Now we made it one more time down the Line. We are going to put more whammies on the board.
<Thunder Sounds as whammys appears on the Board.>
<PTX> James Press your Luck or Freeze.
I am Pressing My Luck. Big Bucks no whammys stop!
<PTX> Stop at 470. That takes you to 2920. Ash Press your
luck or Freeze.
<Ash> I am going to Press My Luck! Big Bucks no Whammies stop.
<PTX> Stop at a
<Whammy 1> You better Cry cause you money is goin' Cry Cry Cry.
<PTX> Ash that takes you
outta the first round but not the game. Duplica Press or Freeze.
<Duplica> I am going to Freeze.
Ok That is one more time down the line. We are going to add more whammies to the Board.
<Thunder sounds as Whammys
appear on the board.>
<PTX> James you are the only one left in this round if you freeze you take 2920 into
the final round and you will have the advantage in the final round. Press your Luck or Freeze.
<James> I am
going to freeze.
<PTX> Ok that ends our first round with at 0 dollars and one whammy. Duplica with 1725. And
James with the advantage with 2920$. What will happen to our whammy playes find out next week for the Pokemon Versus the Whammy
Round 2.